Ode to a Kitchenaid Mixer

Ode to a Kitchenaid Mixer

Oh Kitchenaid mixer, I would love you so

I would use you on high, and I would use you on low

I would whip up some treats for all my friends and neighbors

Cakes of any shape and size, cookies of every flavor

Black and Decker hand mixer, you’ve done your job well

You’re a mixer that I cherish, one that I will never sell

Kitchenaid, I’d like you in tangerine or paprika

Maybe we could live together someday in Topeka.

Mom says I’m not old enough for that type of commitment

But you would work well all the time, not just intermittent.

Why should we be kept apart, when we’re so in love?

Sometimes I suspect this match was made in Heaven up above.

I hope that we shall meet up soon, what magic we would make.

Perhaps that’s why our love’s forbidden, it’s too much for the world to take.



10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Michael
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 18:48:15

    Just wait until tangerine and paprika are “out of season” and pick one up at William-Sonoma for 99% off. Hmmmph…who would want an “out of season” color. Never mind, go out and buy one full price.


  2. Ann
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 19:22:09

    Literary genius, along with great photography!


  3. jessica
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 19:36:29

    I really love my kitchenaid mixer. I hope there is one in your near future!


  4. Jennifer
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 19:42:01

    Dear Sisterfriend, You are pathetic. Or maybe that’s just my jealousy talkin’, as I only have a plain white Kitchenaid. I did appreciate the shout out to the decades old hand-me-down hand mixer though! As, I’m sure, did Grandmother. Love, Yaya


  5. Lynn
    Jul 28, 2011 @ 23:32:30

    I have no words…except HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, and get your mind out of the Kitchenaid gutter.


  6. Sarah
    Jul 29, 2011 @ 09:13:24

    Bahahahahah! I didn’t know you were a poet! I share the sentiment!


  7. Jess
    Jul 29, 2011 @ 19:54:18

    You should send this to Kitchen-Aide, perhaps they’d give you one for free… or a coupon!
    Worth a try!


  8. Michael
    Jul 31, 2011 @ 18:08:25

    I just showed Dad your post and he said, after looking at the picture of you walking hand in hand on the beach, “She should stay away from that guy, he will probably ‘beater'” Mom didn’t get it at first…


  9. Lynn
    Jul 31, 2011 @ 22:31:38

    In my defense, I didn’t know which picture they were talking about!


  10. 2catladies
    Jul 31, 2011 @ 22:46:09

    Ha! Dad commented on my blog…sort of indirectly. Good one.


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